среда, 8 января 2020 г.


Some save games will throw an error when you load them into [PS3] Save Resigner. That copy of Lego Batman you had almost finished? Please someone give me the location of the User ID straight away. The program says it's unable to do it, due to the files being decrypted. When I try to load the save, I got a corrupted file message. I needed something like this for some saves that I lost. ps3 save resigner 2.0

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Works like a charm for me.

ps3 save resigner 2.0

I follow your tutorial and save my life! Ok, I followed the steps successfully and the save works as in the PS3 recognizes it and loads ithowever when I try to load the save the game freezes immediately after. Update to my previous post. Discussion in ' Playstation 3 Guides ' started by seanpr92Jan 6, Well I can't figure it out I did it step by step and it still won't allow me to save on skyrim.

I retried the method and this time it didn't freeze but it shows invalid save on the game.

How To Import Other People's Save Games On Your PS3

I was able to successfully complete the procedure and copy resignet save to my PS3 but when I start the game, the game freezes on the logo of Ubisoft April 24 Location: I made all u said in the tutorial and my GTA IV imported save game looks normal on PS3 folder, but it just doesnt appear in tha game, it doesnt auto load and dont show up in load games in the game. SFO and browse to the original save game you transferred to your computer in resigned 1.

You can now minimize the PS3 Resigner down to a simple icon. Credit goes to flatz for his pfdtool.

How to resign Ps3 save games using save resign noob proof

Therefore im using Hex editor to try and gain access to the codes. I understand I won't be able to win trophies and stuff but I just want to be able to save my progress when I re-start from other people's saves.

Hey so I followed xave the steps provided and I've successfully been able to copy the savefile to the ps3. It works for Retail PS3.

Wed Apr 24, Either it will resiigner my old save files or if I didnt have an old save for the game im trying to play it will treat it as though its a new game even though I have my downloaded save files on my ps3. Whats the Password for this?

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Have to find it elsewhere. Messing around with your PlayStation, something can always go wrong. Ok - two things that were not made clear in the article which was otherwise very well written.

ps3 save resigner 2.0

By default this creates a folder in your home directory. October 31 Thanks given: That copy of Lego Batman you had almost finished? Are there other programs that can change the saved file's original account user ID?

ps3 save resigner 2.0

Darkness of Time Thanks given: Your name or email address: Every time mine says Pfd ersigner has stopped working and when I put it in the ps3 it's corrupted. The map and properties you unlocked in GTA V? Can't thank you enough! Fri Nov 01, I wonder why they put so many obstacles along

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