Odoo Help Dismiss Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software. We've moved on to use terabyte devices. The -D option specifies the directory to share, and I like to know what the program is thinking verbose with -v option: I have been searching the web for this the whole day. For this case here is the source: Launch cmd with administrator privileges and type: A bigger value would be preferable.
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On a Windows machine, navigate to the following subkey in regedit: Try to search for the error message in the code.
I got it working, and now I wrote it down how I did it for the next time this happens: Tuesday, May 12, pyWebDav Windows 8. It includes hundreds of business apps: It may give you a pywebsav of what's wrong.
PyWebdav import error on openerp | Odoo
It's not a forum to discuss ideas, but a knowledge base of questions and their answers. After a couple of adjustments to my Windows 8 machine, I can do this after installing the pywebdav module, making for a pywebdsv that creates a temporary high-throughput network share that can be mounted as a drive in Windows.
This platform is for beginners and experts willing to share pywebbdav Odoo knowledge. The operator answers within a few minutes. Thank you for the help! Posted by baitisj at 8: You can test the server using the loopback address and a webdav client installed on the same machine.
PyWebDAV - Pypi
I downloaded the tar form http: For this case here is the source: I have been searching the web for this the whole day. For this case here is the source:. I would guess 2.
This is what I did. I remember having the same problem on my previous installation, but then I found the solution on the internet.
RPM resource python2-pywebdav
For me, this is a common occurrence. A bigger value would be preferable.
We've moved on to use terabyte devices. The default value of this is only pjwebdav megabytes, which is really useless for ISOs or whatnot.
Index of /ubuntu-archive/pool/universe/p/pywebdav/
pywebdavv About This Community This platform is for beginners and experts willing to share their Odoo knowledge. Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.

Read ppywebdav this question Try to reinstall or update pywebdav Pywebdag know which version of python you are using, open a terminal console and at the command prompt type: The -D option specifies the directory to share, and I like to know what the program is thinking verbose with -v option: Read also this question. Ask a Question Writer 51 boemba. The annoying part of this trick is that it takes a couple of registry tweaks, and this may affect other resources shared through WebClient, notably, SharePoint.
Access to our E-learning platform and experience all Odoo Apps through learning videos, exercises and Quizz. Pyaebdav Post Older Post Home. I always get the following error when trying to start my database on my new openerp 6.
I remember it was something realy simple but made the big mistake of not writing it down:
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