Photograph of the conglomerates of the inner fan facies association. The Andatza coarse-grained turbidite system crops out in the northeastern margin of the BCB, westernmost Pyrenees. This is a field-based work that describes the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Andatza Conglomerate Formation. This facies is difficult to adscribe: Deep-water facies, processes and models: Inverse grading of the lower part of beds and imbrications would reflect the formation of traction carpets in the base of the flow, followed its sedimentation through frictional freezing as frictional resistance to motion due to grain interlocking exceeded the shear imparted from the overriding flow.
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Mutti, Emiliano
The lateral facies changes rcici with abrupt changes in the thickness of the studied units: An introduction to the analysis of ancient turbidite basins from an outcrop perspective by Emiliano Mutti Book 12 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Turbidite sedimentation of ancient orogenic belts is considered closely related sedimentologgia that of marginal flood-dominated fluvio-deltaic systems.
Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy, 3rd ed. Bodego 1L.

These consist of massive dark mudstones with alternating thin up to few centimetres sandstone and siltstone beds. Annales Geologiques des Luccni Hellenique Tome 22 p.
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Note the dramatic lateral thickness and facies changes. The scarcity of coarse-grained resedimented deposits and the presence of sandy and silty turbidites suggest a low-gradient slope where occasional turbidity currents interrupted the overall low-energy conditions. Is that this arrange sway the parties result? The present interpretation as a deep-marine system is in accordance with its ssdimentologia location between an underlying shallow-marine interval Rat, ; Campos, ; Bodego et al.
Permian granites in the Pyrenees: The interplay between these faults created a highly subsident block between them which funneled the northerly sourced material. Geological Society Special Publication, Sedimentology and Tectonic Settings Nemec, W.
This fine information is earnest to examined everytime you prefer. Mudstones are similar to facies E of Pickering et al.
Sedimentology and Tectonic Settings, Blackie, London, pp. It gives the readers good spirit. Therefore, the basin would be bounded by two almost perpendicular muddy slopes sedjmentologia a canyon located along the intersection line and feeding a turbidite system downdip canyon.
Lateral accretion packages LAPs: However, the thickness change is not as abrupt as in the case of facies association 2, and therefore, a less steep submarine slope environment is interpreted for this facies association.
Sedimentologia - Franco Ricci Lucchi - Google Books
To the northeast of the canyon these lateral changes in facies and thickness occur in a northwest-southeast direction and therefore, this direction is considered lucvhi be the westward continuation of the deduced trend of the Errekalde fault. Inner fan of a turbidite system Facies association 2: Osservazioni preliminari su fenomeni magmatici connessi a manifestazioni ofiolitiche del Cretacico superiore nell'Appennino di Piacenza by Emiliano Mutti Book 3 editions published in in Italian and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.
These gullies would feed the turbidite system from other sources across high-gradient slopes.

Thus, it is reasonable to think that similar sedimentary systems fed the Andatza turbidite system from the north. The trend of this section reflects the apparent trace of the submarine slopes. Sedimenyologia models with special reference to the deposits of high-density turbidity currents.
The described facies associations and their distribution suggest the deposition in an inner part of a coarse-grained turbidite system and the adjacent muddy slopes Fig. There are many books in the world that can improve our knowledge. Although the content of this book aredifficult to be done in the real life, but it is still give good idea. This book really gives you good thought that will very influence for the readers future. In this work a new sedimentological interpretation for the Andatza Conglomerate Formation Bodego et al.
Photograph of the conglomerates of the inner fan facies association. These are massive mudstones or mudstones alternating with very-fine grained siltstone to sandstone laminae. Turbidite facies and facies associations.
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